To improve environmental policymaking in developing countries, RFF is working with the Environmental Economics Unit at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden to create national centers for environmental economic analysis in China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania.
The main activity of the new Environment for Development (EfD) centers will be international research collaboration. Policy instrument analysis, non-market valuation, and behavioral and experimental economics will be used to analyze land management, forestry, fisheries, wildlife, climate change, and environmental fiscal reform. The centers will also provide policy advice and training. Visit the official EfD website at
RFF's role in the EfD program is two-fold: research fellows will work closely with their counterparts and communications staff will help to disseminate the new centers' research products.
The EfD initiative was partly inspired by RFF's history of helping to improve policymaking by applying rigorous, objective economic analysis to important environmental and natural resource policy issues. Updates about the EfD program, including new research projects and publications, will be made available at this page.
Financial support for the program is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and builds on Sida's Environmental Economics Capacity Building Program. For more information please contact:
Senior Fellow Allen Blackman (Bio)
Resources for the Future
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-328-5073
Associate Professor Gunnar Köhlin (Bio)
Director of EfD Program, University of Gothenburg
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0046-31-773 4426
Professor Thomas Sterner (Bio)
Environmental Economics Unit (EEU), University of Gothenburg
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0046-31-7731377