Each week, I review the papers, studies, reports, and briefings posted over at the RFF Library Blog.
The Land Cover Trends Field Photography Collection
[From Press Release] The U.S. Geological Survey announced today that it has made part of a huge national repository of geographically referenced USGS field photographs publicly available. USGS geographers developed a simple, easy-to-use mapping portal called the Land Cover Trends Field Photo Map. - via US Geological Survey
Pathway to a 21st Century Electric Utility Model
The rapid pace of technological change, falling renewable energy prices, increased energy efficiency, and policymaker focus on low-carbon energy and customer choice are increasingly challenging the traditional utility business model – yet as the report lays out, there are win-win solutions… - via Ceres
Evaluating Mitigation Effort: Tools and Institutions for Assessing Nationally Determined Contributions
The emerging pledge and review approach to international climate policy provides countries with substantial discretion in how they craft their intended emission mitigation contributions. The resulting heterogeneity in mitigation pledges places significant demands for a well-functioning transparency and review mechanism. In particular, the specific forms of intended contributions necessitate economic analysis in order to estimate the aggregate effects of these contributions as well as to permit “apples-to-apples” comparisons of mitigation efforts. - via Harvard Univ. Kennedy School
The Emissions Gap Report 2015
[Website] Existing policies and strong engagement by nations submitting their contributions ahead of the Paris climate meeting will limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, but a new climate agreement can encourage further action to limit global temperature rise to 2°C by 2100, according to a new United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report. - via UN Environment Programme
[South Africa] Draft Carbon Tax Bill (Nov. 2, 2015)
[Tax Notes] On November 2, as part of the Government’s measures to address climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in South Africa, the National Treasury published draft carbon tax legislation for public comment. - via Minister of Finance, Republic of South Africa
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