Each week, we review the papers, studies, reports, and briefings posted at the “indispensable” RFF Library Blog, curated by RFF Librarian Chris Clotworthy. Check out this week’s highlights below:
Feed-in Tariff: A Policy Tool Encouraging Deployment of Renewable Electricity Technologies
Recent developments in Virginia put a spotlight on feed-in tariffs (FITs), which are a policy mechanism used to encourage deployment of renewable electricity technologies. FITs are used to a limited extent around the United States, but they are more common internationally. A FIT program typically guarantees that customers who own a FIT-eligible renewable electricity generation facility... — via U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
Freshwater fishes are highly vulnerable to human-caused climate change. Because quantitative data on status and trends are unavailable for most fish species, a systematic assessment approach that incorporates expert knowledge was developed to determine status and future vulnerability to climate change of freshwater fishes... — via PLOS ONE
Draft Plan for Development of the Integrated Science Assessment for Nitrogen Oxides Health Criteria
EPA has announced a draft development plan for the next Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for the health effects of nitrogen oxides (NOX) which will serve as the scientific basis for review of the primary (health-based) National Ambient Air Quality Standard for nitrogen dioxide. The ISA is intended to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current scientific literature pertaining to known and anticipated effects... via US EPA, National Center for Environmental Assessment
Climate change poses special challenges for Caribbean decision makers related to the uncertainties inherent in future climate projections and the complex linkages between climate change, physical and biological systems, and socioeconomic sectors. At present, however, the Caribbean subregion lacks... via Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Annual European Union Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990- 2011 and Inventory Report 2013
This report is the annual submission of the greenhouse gas inventory of the European Union to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. It presents greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2011 for EU-27, EU-15, individual Member States and economic sector. — via European Environment Agency
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