Published since 1959 by Resources for the Future
Cover Resources 211 = Myriam Wares

Fall 2022  /  Magazine Issues

Issue 211: Planning for a Net-Zero Economy

A Note from RFF’s President about Resources issue 211:

As Resources for the Future (RFF) finishes its 70th anniversary this year, our organization is in some ways just getting started, especially as we prepare for what’s to come.

We need economics to work for the climate, and RFF advice will lay the groundwork for future policy implementation. We will leverage relationships built over many years that recognize the value of our independence and rely on the unique insights that RFF delivers as a trusted advisor.

Read through these articles to get a sense of what the future looks like, as we focus on two priorities: designing smart emissions-reduction strategies and confronting risks while building resilience.

Richard G. Newell
President and CEO, Resources for the Future