Review the Top 10 list of puns that made it through editorial review at Resources for the Future and into various newsletters and social media posts over the past few months … and groan along with us.
10: “You won’t be-leaf your luck!”
Forest Resources newsletter

9: “Planting a Seed for One Trillion Trees: Trees are having their day in the sun.”
Forest Resources newsletter
with reference to the Trillion Trees Act

8: “FoCCUSing on Carbon Capture and Sequestration”
Future of Power newsletter
with reference to carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)
7: “EaaSing into an Electrified Economy”
Future of Power newsletter
with reference to energy-as-a-service (EaaS) business models

6: “Brush up on the ABCs (or AC/DCs) of electricity.”
Future of Power newsletter

5: “Where You LED, Cost Savings Will Likely Follow”
Future of Power newsletter
4: “Three Peas in a Podcast”
Carbon Pricing Initiative newsletter
3: “See You Later, Calculator”
Carbon Pricing Initiative newsletter
with reference to RFF’s Carbon Pricing Calculator updates

2: “Are You RGGI for It?”
Carbon Pricing Initiative newsletter
with reference to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

1: (Tied)
"What's in a carbon pricing bill? That which we call a tax by any other name would be as efficient." —Juliet Cap(and trade)ulet
Twitter @RFF
with reference to RFF’s Carbon Pricing Bill Tracker

1: (Tied)

Twitter @RFF
with reference to the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order that directs the PJM electric utility company to expand its Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR)

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